
I live limitlessly

Heather Archer, an inspiring woman that I admire and yoga instructor at The Green Yogi, read the following quote by Rev. Nancy Fagen in yoga the other day during savasana. For those of you who do not know a lot about or practice yoga, savasana, or corpse pose, is a restorative pose as well as the final and most important resting pose in yoga because it is intended to rejuvenate body, mind, and spirit. Hearing Rev. Fagen's words while I was in a deep state of relaxation was absolutely lovely and inspiring. I felt as though it allowed me to expand and deepen my own consciousness. I hope you enjoy her words as much as I did. It's pretty deep, philosophical stuff, but its awakening and makes total sense. Enjoy. Happy almost Friday everyone!

[Trikonasana at Runyon Canyon in the Hollywood Hills]

The All-Knowing All-Powerful Presence-in Its entirety- permeates all that exists. It is limitless in Its being and actions.
As I am an individualized expression of Spirit, I am limitless potential, envisioning and expanding the scope of my life beyond my current structures of knowing.

Willingly, wisely, and fearlessly, I now move in the direction of my desires. I release any ideas, thoughts, beliefs, or habits that do not totally support my enhanced and expanded consciousness.
I extend my structures of knowing effortlessly, easily embracing increased financial prosperity,optimal wellness, boundless creativity, and loving, nurturing relationships. Trusting the Universe to support me as I wisely set my intentions, I relax into the adventure of my ever-expanding life, accepting and welcoming the magnificence and opulence manifesting in, through, and as me.

Grateful this is now so, I rejoice as I release this Truth to Divine Mind, knowing it is done. I live limitlessly. And so it is. 

~Rev. Nancy Fagen from her book, "Creative Thought"

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