Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts


artist spotlight: Andrew Myers

Have a gander at these amazing 3D portraits made out of screws by German artist, Andrew Myers! I wonder why Myers chose screws as his art medium? Why not nails, pencils, or cotton swabs? ;)
Any symbolic importance? I'm curious to know...

I love love love the one with the fan blowing parts of the man's face away! Very playful!

[ all images via Andrew Myers ]


New Beginnings Bringing Me UP!

I am four weeks into my new and improved life as a 4th grade teacher at Kammann Elementary! I find myself significantly overwhelmed the majority of the time, but I have yet to have a panic attack in our staff lounge so all is good in my eyes. I look at it as though I'd be doing something wrong if I wasn't overwhelmed as a first year new teacher...
Since my return from Tanzania almost two months ago, my professional working life has made a complete 180 degree turn for the better! Coming home after two months volunteer teaching in Tanzania and learning more than I taught, I found myself in a whirl wind of conflicting feelings. I was a newly, re-inspired educator coming back to the states where the job market for education was a bleak one if not nonexistant. I was stressed financially (I didn't make one cent in Africa but was spending...), exhausted from the journey home, and yearning for some sort of closure from my trip...all while having to look towards the future and find myself a real teaching job that pays the bills and affords benefits. 

How did I handle this, you ask?

Well, luckily for me, my mother raised me to tackle life's problems head-on in order to overcome its adversity and move on to the good. This advice got me my job this year. Without the strength, as well as the endless supply of support and positive thoughts from family and friends the past couple months, I would not have these stills of my very own classroom to share with you. 

With that said, here are some stills. Enjoy!

[in our 4th grade hallway student shields surround the spiffy 3D class tree I made] 

[view when your first enter]

[view of the front of the room]

[my desk. the orchid was a gift from one of my students :)]

[writing wall showcasing Haiku poems our class created the first week of school]

[construction paper self portraits to go along with their I AM poems for Back to School Night]

[view from my desk]


Just Try...

{photo via pinterst}

Pick yourself up and try again...

{Alex and I being upside down goddesses at YogaLoftMB in Manhattan Beach}

Come on... you're stronger then you think...

Good thoughts bread sunbeams!


our beautiful earth

After looking at these photographs, its hard to deny that our Earth is a beautiful thing. Its delicate and needs to be taken care of so our children and children's children can continue to benefit from its beauty. 

For tips and ways you can start going green to protect the environment, check out my previous blog post: go green this st. patty's day !

Did you know that there's an Earth day anthem? COOL!

It goes like this:

Joyful joyful we adore our Earth in all its wonderment
Simple gifts of nature that all join into a paradise
Now we must resolve to protect her
Show her our love through out all time
With our gentle hand and touch
We make our home a newborn world
Now we must resolve to protect her
Show her our love through out all time
With our gentle hand and touch
We make our home a newborn world

Enjoy :)

Bora Bora, French Polynesia 

The Iguazu Waterfalls, Argentina-Brazil Border

Meteora, Greece

Santorini, Greece

The Alps, Austria/Slovenia/Italy/Switzerland/Liechtenstein/Germany/France

Uluru, Australia 

The Grand Canyon, Colorado, USA

ted talks: gratitude


You think today is just another day in your life. Its not just another day. Its the one day that is given to you. Its a gift. Its the only gift you have right now and the only appropriate response is gratefulness. 


teeny tiny house

In my opinion, I'd be open to living in such a small area if it were designed the way it is. I absolutely love the look and design of the place. The wood work is beautiful and the bathroom shower is super cool! I would never guess that the photographs of the inside match the photograph of the outside.

Malissa's take on her teeny tiny house: "It’s cozy and comfortable, a great space to do my creative art, while also serving as my perfect retreat."

The biggest challenge for Malissa of living in such a small space is finding her own place. With two people and two cats, finding your own place is key to making living in such a confined area possible, and enjoyable too! With her place being only 170 square feet, Malissa says that "it’s important that you feel you can go to your own place and do your own thing.”

Is this house portable? Looking at the outside photograph, it seems like the house is on wheels and can be moved... Even more reason to like?!

What do you think? Could you live in such a place or would you be claustrophobic? I don't believe this type of living would work well with pack rats or families with lots of kids.

Pretty freaking awesome I'd say!


coachella worthy wardrobe

"Festival dressing is all about pushing boundaries; 
throwing on your most outlandish pieces because 
you know there’s no other place they can be worn." 
- Kaylee Pare of in a nutshell

[photo and layout by one life in stills]

For me, Coachella festival dressing can be summed up with 3 different looks: 1) little white dress, 2) shorter than short cut-off jean shorts, and 3) the maxi dress.  

Exhibit A: little white dress with ankle booties or strappy sandals, accessory explosion, and free-flowing hair. This look is perfect for the day time when Coachella Valley is blistering hot. 

Exhibit B: cut off jean shorts. Great "go to" look for any music festival. Pair with a flowy tunic or vintage tee and again, accessory explosion is a must. I'll be living in my overly ripped vintage levi shorts. Show off your stems, ladies!

Exhibit C: the maxi dress/skirt is a must at Coachella or any music festival for that matter. The look is effortless, care-free, and just about anyone can pull it off. Stand apart from the crowd of maxi dress wearers this Coachella with some statement jewelry pieces! 

What looks will you be rocking during music festival season?


my march in stills

So long March! Here is my day to day life in stills through March:

Day 1: up

Day 2: fruit

Day 3: your neighborhood

Day 4: bedside

Day 5: a smile

Day 6: 5pm

Day 7: something you wore

Day 8: window

Day 9: red

Day 10: loud

Day 11: someone you talked to today

Day 12: fork

Day 13: a sign

Day 14: clouds

Day 15: car

Day 16: sunglasses

Day 17: green

Day 18: a corner of your home

Day 19: funny

Day 20: before / after

Day 21: delicious

Day 22: kitchen sink

Day 23: moon

Day 24: an animal

Day 25: breakfast

Day 26: key 

Day 27: your name

Day 28: trash

Day 29: feet

Day 30: toy

Day 31: where you relax
