
coachella worthy wardrobe

"Festival dressing is all about pushing boundaries; 
throwing on your most outlandish pieces because 
you know there’s no other place they can be worn." 
- Kaylee Pare of in a nutshell

[photo and layout by one life in stills]

For me, Coachella festival dressing can be summed up with 3 different looks: 1) little white dress, 2) shorter than short cut-off jean shorts, and 3) the maxi dress.  

Exhibit A: little white dress with ankle booties or strappy sandals, accessory explosion, and free-flowing hair. This look is perfect for the day time when Coachella Valley is blistering hot. 

Exhibit B: cut off jean shorts. Great "go to" look for any music festival. Pair with a flowy tunic or vintage tee and again, accessory explosion is a must. I'll be living in my overly ripped vintage levi shorts. Show off your stems, ladies!

Exhibit C: the maxi dress/skirt is a must at Coachella or any music festival for that matter. The look is effortless, care-free, and just about anyone can pull it off. Stand apart from the crowd of maxi dress wearers this Coachella with some statement jewelry pieces! 

What looks will you be rocking during music festival season?

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