
teeny tiny house

In my opinion, I'd be open to living in such a small area if it were designed the way it is. I absolutely love the look and design of the place. The wood work is beautiful and the bathroom shower is super cool! I would never guess that the photographs of the inside match the photograph of the outside.

Malissa's take on her teeny tiny house: "It’s cozy and comfortable, a great space to do my creative art, while also serving as my perfect retreat."

The biggest challenge for Malissa of living in such a small space is finding her own place. With two people and two cats, finding your own place is key to making living in such a confined area possible, and enjoyable too! With her place being only 170 square feet, Malissa says that "it’s important that you feel you can go to your own place and do your own thing.”

Is this house portable? Looking at the outside photograph, it seems like the house is on wheels and can be moved... Even more reason to like?!

What do you think? Could you live in such a place or would you be claustrophobic? I don't believe this type of living would work well with pack rats or families with lots of kids.

Pretty freaking awesome I'd say!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome. I've always loved small spaces. Currently my family, (huz, three sons 8,6&3yrs) live in 1200sq ft. not counting the finished large basement. I feel it's too much. I hate the fact that we spend so much in taxes and work so hard just to house all of our "stuff". I want solar, small and land for my boys to roam. Gimme small, sweet shelter and Uncle Sam- gimme a break;) nice blog. thanks! www.spunkerfly.blogspot.com
