
choose to live healthy [5]: glowing green monster smoothie

This radical blend of spinach, nut milk, banana, ground flax seeds, and nut butter (optional) is a creamy, delicious, and nutritious breakfast alternative that helps curb cravings for sweets and gives you A TON of energy to glow and get things done throughout your beautiful day! 

Don't let the green scare you! You'll be happy to know that no matter how many handfuls you add, you won't be able to taste the spinach. The other ingredients do a really realllllllly good job at masking the taste.  If you add just one cup of spinach (I usually add two big handfuls) you'll be getting 20% of your daily dose of fiber. Remember, fiber's our friend! It aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating (source). 

Flax seed is also a nutritional powerhouse for your body. Flax seeds fight cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, constipation, menopausal symptoms,  heart disease, and "The Blues" (source). One tablespoon a day. That's it! 

Banana benefits? We all know bananas contain pure powerful potassium. Bananas also contain fiber as well as natural sugars, which make them ideal for an immediate and slightly prolonged source of energy. A banana a day keeps your muscle cramps away!!

Nut milk makes the smoothie creamy and is an excellent source of protein and essential vitamins and minerals such as A, E, phosphorous, potassium, essential fatty acids, and fiber (source). If you have a choice, choose almond milk over soy milk. Almond milk has less fat and is less processed. 

Overall benefits of green smoothies (ready for it?!): 
- natural weight loss
- increased consumption of fruits and vegetables (particularly greens)
- easier digestibility and nutrient assimilation
- antioxidants
- increased energy
- mental clarity and focus
- increased fiber intake
- clearer skin
- cravings reduction
- rich with chlorophyll 
- alkalizing 

What you'll need:
 (feel free to change the quantities based on your preference)
- 2 cups organic spinach, rinsed 
- 1 to 1 1/4 cup nut milk
- 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
- 1 medium banana, sliced
- 1 tablespoon nut butter (optional)

Do it!:
1. Place the ingredients into the blender in the following order: 1) Flax, 2) spinach, 3) banana, 4) milk, 5) nut butter. The reason for this order is so the heavier ingredients weigh down the flax and spinach and keep it from flying up around the blender and sticking to the side. 
2. Blend everything on the highest setting for 1 minute or so. 
3. Pour in a glass and enjoy! 

Cheers to being green!!!


  1. Hey Shelz! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! I don't always have time to comment (thanks to the kiddos keeping me on my toes), but I know I'll always have a good read when I sit down to read your blog! I'm totally going to try this recipe! Sounds great. Ok, so probably a silly question...where does one buy flax seed? Love you!!

  2. you can find flax at any grocery store! just ask someone who works there where it is. i prefer ground flax over regular flax bc its easy to blend into smoothies bc its already ground! haha
